Going Pro
Become a PADI DIVE MASTER: $1599
Learn how to lead underwater tours, assist with scuba classes and inspire others to care about the ocean. Hone your skills and be the diver everyone admires.
PADI Divemaster is the most popular and most recognized professional scuba certification in the world. PADI Divemasters enjoy abundant career opportunities, get paid to scuba dive and share their love for the ocean.

Become a PADI Instructor:
We are a PADI 5 Star Instructor Development Center. We offer all levels of PADI Professional Training.
If you like people, have a passion for scuba diving and want an extraordinary life – become a PADI Instructor. Teaching scuba diving allows you to share your love of the aquatic world with others while doing what you enjoy – being in, around and under water. PADI Open Water Scuba Instructors and PADI Assistant Instructors are the most sought-after dive professionals around the world because they’ve completed the program that sets the standard for training dive professionals. You earn a PADI Instructor rating through hard work and commitment, but you’re rewarded with a job that lets you share incredible underwater adventures with others – transforming their lives for the better and enriching yours.
Are you ready to join the ranks of the dedicated professionals who teach the world’s most progressive and popular scuba diver education programs? Then Go PROSM with an Instructor Development Course.

The Instructor Development Course (IDC) is made up of two parts – the Assistant Instructor (AI) course and the Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI) program. Most dive professionals complete the entire IDC and go on to attend an Instructor Examination (IE), which is the final step to earn a PADI Instructor certification.
Next Course Date:
April 23rd – May 1 2025 (For more information and details give us a Call (321)723-5932 or Email: hattsdiving@gmail.com)
Become a PADI Emergency 1st Response Instructor:
CPR and first aid are key skills that are important to everyone, not just scuba divers. As an Emergency First Response Instructor, you teach skills based on internationally recognized emergency care guidelines, and you can offer courses to anyone. The great thing about EFR courses is they make learning easy by providing a comfortable environment to practice emergency care skills. Your students finish the course feeling confident with their new skills and ready to help someone in need.

The only requirements are that you’re at least 18 years old and have Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care (CPR and First Aid) training within the past 24 months. An EFR Instructor rating is required to become a PADI Instructor, but you don’t have to wait until you’re ready to go pro. You can complete or refresh this training during your PADI Instructor training.
Next Course: May 2nd 2025 (For more information and details give us a Call (321)723-5932 or Email: hattsdiving@gmail.com)